Frequently asked questions
Please understand, the information provided on the following pages is offered in a very generic sense and should not be taken as legal lexicon on appellate procedure. Nor is it offered as legal advice.
contact us
1200 East Capitol Drive
Suite 360 Milwaukee, WI 53211 |
Toll Free: 855.481.1043
Milwaukee: 414.963.6164 Fax: 414.967.9169 |
*please read before sending email
While we would like to hear from you, we cannot act as your attorney or provide you with any legal advice until we know that doing so will not create a conflict of interest. While we welcome inquiries, please do not send us any secret, confidential, or privileged information until you receive a written confirmation from us that we have agreed to serve as your lawyer. Unsolicited emails from non-clients containing confidential or secret information cannot be protected from disclosure. The best way for you to discuss a possible representation is to call us, toll free, at 855.481.1043. We will make every effort to put you in touch with the lawyer suited to handle your matter.